Documentação do Mercado Livre

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Documentação do

Última atualização em 12/12/2023

Custos por vender

Listing Prices é um recurso somente leitura que oferece muitas maneiras de saber quais são as taxas para vender um produto no Mercado Livre, para que o vendedor saiba exatamente qual será seu custo ao vender em um determinado listing_type de um site, categoria, moeda e quantidade determinados.

Descrição de atributos

Atributo Descrição
currency_id ID da moeda dos custos.
listing_exposure Nível de exposição da publicação.
listing_fee_amount Custos de publicação.
listing_fee_details Matriz que mostra o pormenor dos custos por publicação:
- fixed_fee: taxa fixa para publicação.
- gross_amount: valor bruto da comissão (sem desconto).
listing_type_id ID do tipo de publicação.
listing_type_name Nome do tipo de publicação.
requires_picture Mostra se o tipo de publicação exige pelo menos uma imagem.
sale_fee_amount Custos de venda.
sale_fee_details Array que detalhe dos custos de venda:
- financing_add_on_fee: custos para adicionar taxas.
- fixed_fee: taxa fixa de venda (aplica-se apenas ao MLA).
- gross_amount: valor bruto da comissão (sem aplicar descontos).
- meli_percentage_fee: taxas de venda na plataforma (aplica-se apenas à MLA).
- percentage_fee: percentagem total da comissão.


  • Os tipos de publicação ou listing_type disponíveis para Marketplace e Mshops são free, gold_special, gold_pro (podem variar de acordo com o site).
  • Filtre por canal para ver comissões específicas. Caso contrário, verá as comissões do marketplace por predefinição.
  • Respeitar a relação listing_type + tag (ver opções aplicáveis apenas a MLA).
  • Dependendo do sítio, o número de atributos na resposta pode variar.

Para indicar a listing prices que a comissão a calcular pertence a um item de supermarket envie a query param “tags” com o valor supermarket_eligible.


  "message": "The parameter 'price' has to be a number",
  "error": "bad_request",
  "status": 400,
  "cause": [

Por preço e listing_type

Recupera os diferentes tipos de publicações associadas ao tipo de publicação Gold em moeda local quando o preço do produto é 500.


curl -X GET$SITE_ID/listing_prices?price=500&listing_type_id=gold_pro


        "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
        "listing_type_name": "Premium",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 80,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2041-09-05T00:00:00.000-04:00"

Filtrar por preço e categoria

Recupera os diferentes tipos de publicações e cada uma das taxas associadas em moeda local, quando o preço do produto é 500 e a categoria é MLB1055.


curl -X GET$SITE_ID/listing_prices?price=500&category_id=MLB1055


        "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
        "listing_type_name": "Premium",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 80,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2041-09-08T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "gold_premium",
        "listing_type_name": "Diamante",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "gold_special",
        "listing_type_name": "Clássico",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 55,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2041-09-08T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "gold",
        "listing_type_name": "Ouro",
        "listing_exposure": "high",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "silver",
        "listing_type_name": "Prata",
        "listing_exposure": "mid",
        "requires_picture": false,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "bronze",
        "listing_type_name": "Bronze",
        "listing_exposure": "low",
        "requires_picture": false,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "free",
        "listing_type_name": "Grátis",
        "listing_exposure": "lowest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-12T00:00:00.000-04:00"

Por preço e moeda

Recupera os diferentes tipos de publicações e cada uma das taxas associadas em moeda local, quando o preço do produto é US$ 5.000.


curl -X GET$SITE_ID/listing_prices?price=5000¤cy_id=USD


        "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
        "listing_type_name": "Premium",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 4224,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2041-09-05T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "gold_premium",
        "listing_type_name": "Diamante",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-09T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "gold_special",
        "listing_type_name": "Clássico",
        "listing_exposure": "highest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 2904,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2041-09-05T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "gold",
        "listing_type_name": "Ouro",
        "listing_exposure": "high",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-09T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "silver",
        "listing_type_name": "Prata",
        "listing_exposure": "mid",
        "requires_picture": false,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-09T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "bronze",
        "listing_type_name": "Bronze",
        "listing_exposure": "low",
        "requires_picture": false,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-09T00:00:00.000-04:00"
        "listing_type_id": "free",
        "listing_type_name": "Grátis",
        "listing_exposure": "lowest",
        "requires_picture": true,
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "listing_fee_amount": 0,
        "sale_fee_amount": 0,
        "free_relist": false,
        "stop_time": "2021-11-09T00:00:00.000-04:00"

Filtrar por preço, listing_type e categoria

Obtém informações detalhadas sobre os tipos de publicação, filtrando por listing_type associado e categoria de publicação.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE/listing_prices?price=$PRICE&listing_type_id=$LISTING_TYPE_ID&category_id=$CATEGORY_ID


 curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "currency_id": "ARS",
    "free_relist": false,
    "listing_exposure": "highest",
    "listing_fee_amount": 0,
    "listing_fee_details": {
        "fixed_fee": 0,
        "gross_amount": 0
    "listing_type_id": "gold_special",
    "listing_type_name": "Clásica",
    "requires_picture": true,
    "sale_fee_amount": 1603.48,
    "sale_fee_details": {
        "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
        "fixed_fee": 0,
        "gross_amount": 1603.48,
        "meli_percentage_fee": 15.5,
        "percentage_fee": 15.5
    "stop_time": "2043-06-01T00:00:00.000-04:00"

Filtrar por categoria, preço, tipo de moeda e tipo de logística

Obter informações detalhadas sobre os tipos de publicação filtrando por categoria, preço, tipo de moeda local e tipo de logística associada.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE/listing_prices?category_id=$CATEGORY_ID&price=$PRICE&currency_id=$CURRENCY_ID&logistic_type=$LOGISTIC_TYPE


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


          "currency_id": "ARS",
          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "highest",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
          "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
          "listing_type_name": "Premium",
          "requires_picture": true,
          "sale_fee_amount": 26.46,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 10.96,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 26.46,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 15.5,
              "percentage_fee": 26.46
          "stop_time": "2043-05-11T00:00:00.000-04:00"
          "currency_id": "ARS",
          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "highest",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
          "listing_type_id": "gold_premium",
          "listing_type_name": "Oro Premium",
          "requires_picture": true,
          "sale_fee_amount": 0,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 0,
              "percentage_fee": 0
          "stop_time": "2023-07-15T00:00:00.000-04:00"
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          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "highest",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
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          "listing_type_name": "Clásica",
          "requires_picture": true,
          "sale_fee_amount": 15.5,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 15.5,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 15.5,
              "percentage_fee": 15.5
          "stop_time": "2043-05-11T00:00:00.000-04:00"
          "currency_id": "ARS",
          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "high",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
          "listing_type_id": "gold",
          "listing_type_name": "Oro",
          "requires_picture": true,
          "sale_fee_amount": 0,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 0,
              "percentage_fee": 0
          "stop_time": "2023-07-15T00:00:00.000-04:00"
          "currency_id": "ARS",
          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "mid",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
          "listing_type_id": "silver",
          "listing_type_name": "Plata",
          "requires_picture": false,
          "sale_fee_amount": 0,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 0,
              "percentage_fee": 0
          "stop_time": "2023-07-15T00:00:00.000-04:00"
          "currency_id": "ARS",
          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "low",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
          "listing_type_id": "bronze",
          "listing_type_name": "Bronce",
          "requires_picture": false,
          "sale_fee_amount": 0,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 0,
              "percentage_fee": 0
          "stop_time": "2023-07-15T00:00:00.000-04:00"
          "currency_id": "ARS",
          "free_relist": false,
          "listing_exposure": "lowest",
          "listing_fee_amount": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0
          "listing_type_id": "free",
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          "requires_picture": true,
          "sale_fee_amount": 0,
              "financing_add_on_fee": 0,
              "fixed_fee": 0,
              "gross_amount": 0,
              "meli_percentage_fee": 0,
              "percentage_fee": 0
          "stop_time": "2023-07-15T00:00:00.000-04:00"

Filtrar por preço, categoria, tags e listing_type

Recupera información detallada sobre tipos de publicaciones filtrando por el precio, categoría de la publicación, tags, y listing_type asociados.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE/listing_prices?price=$PRICE&category_id=$CATEGORY_ID&tags=$CAMPAIGN_TAG_ID&listing_type_id=$LISTING_TYPE


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


  "currency_id": "ARS",
  "free_relist": false,
  "listing_exposure": "highest",
  "listing_fee_amount": 0,
  "listing_fee_details": {
      "fixed_fee": 0,
      "gross_amount": 0
  "listing_type_id": "gold_pro",
  "listing_type_name": "Premium",
  "requires_picture": true,
  "sale_fee_amount": 25.86,
  "sale_fee_details": {
      "financing_add_on_fee": 10.36,
      "fixed_fee": 0,
      "gross_amount": 25.86,
      "meli_percentage_fee": 15.5,
      "percentage_fee": 25.86
  "stop_time": "2043-06-01T00:00:00.000-04:00"

Saiba mais sobre:: Tipos de publicação .

Próximo: Descrição de produtos.