Documentation Mercado Libre

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
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Last update 21/12/2022


Mercado Pago is the payment open platform of Mercado Libre. If you want integrate your business to a payment solution in your applation, you can visit Mercado Pago Developers.

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Cashback in account for canceled sales

It is only available for sellers in Mexico and soon, for those in Argentina and Brazil.

In the event of cancellations, buyers with a good reputation and who make payments with a credit or debit card will automatically receive a refund with money in the Mercado Pago account. In this way, the purchase order remains in a different state with respect to the other flows. The changes will be:

  • status = paid
  • New tag: unfulfilled
The order will never have the status canceled since by means of the return with money in the account it generates that the payment must be completed. In the payment of the order you will find the refund_account_money tag.

Next: Feedback on sale.