Documentation Mercado Libre

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Last update 23/05/2023

Fashion photo quality

Este recurso está disponible en Argentina, México, Brasil, Uruguay, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador y Chile.

With the following resources you can search items according to their image quality certification status (CERTIFIED, NOT_CERTIFIED or UNDER_REVIEW), and see the conditions for improving the image of the publication and get certified. Publications with CERTIFIED status appear in the top positions in buyers' searches, giving the publication better exposure and quality.

Images requirements

You must use quality images to have better positioning in the search listings according to the product:

  • Dresses and rompers
  • Baby clothes
  • RUnderwear and beachwear
  • Footwear
  • Tops
  • Accessories
  • Packs
  • Bottoms
  • Learn more about our Fashion recommendations in the Vendor Center for MLA, MLM, MLB and MLC

    Search for items by certification status

    To identify if the publication has been through the quality certification processes, you should use the /picture-certifier/integrator/items resource. This resource will allow you to search by "status", being able to identify whether a seller’s publications are not certified (NOT_CERTIFIED) or certified (CERTIFIED) or items that are under review (UNDER_REVIEW).

    Whether the request has mandatory parameters such as seller_id and status as well as optional parameters such as categoryId and offset / limit, which if not sent will be taken as default values: offset=0 and limit=500.


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SELLER_ID&categoryId=$CATEGORY_ID&status=$STATUS&offset=0&limit=500

    Example for not certified items (NOT_CERTIFIED):

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


       "seller_id": 819780659,
       "category_id": "MLB188065",
       "items": [
       "paging": {
           "limit": 500,
           "offset": 0,
           "total": 2
       "item_status": "NOT_CERTIFIED"

    Example for certified items (CERTIFIED):

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


       "seller_id": 819780659,
       "category_id": "MLB108807",
       "items": [
       "paging": {
           "limit": 500,
           "offset": 0,
           "total": 2
       "item_status": "CERTIFIED"

    Example for certified items (CERTIFIED):

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


       "seller_id": 819780659,
       "category_id": "MLB108807",
       "items": [
       "paging": {
           "limit": 500,
           "offset": 0,
           "total": 2
       "item_status": "CERTIFIED"

    Example for under review items (UNDER_REVIEW):

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
       "seller_id": 12345,
       "items": [
       "paging": {
           "limit": 500,
           "offset": 0,
           "total": 4
       "item_status": "UNDER_REVIEW"

    Fields description

    • seller_id: id of the seller.
    • category_id: id of the consulted category.
    • Items: id of the publications that meet the search criteria (STATUS).
    • item_status: status of the publications with quality validation (CERTIFIED, NOT CERTIFIED, UNDER_REVIEW).

    How to improve the item's images

    Once you have identified the publications with NOT CERTIFIED images, you can check the conditions to get the item to have certified quality images.


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID/status?locale=$LOCALE&sellerId=$SELLER_ID
    - The possible values for the local parameter are es_AR and pt_BR. If no value is sent, the default will be es_AR.
    - When you consult an item that does not belong to the fashion, you will receive WITHOUT_PROCESSING status in the response.


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' 
    For the end of January 2023 we will modify we will modify the response of this API, omitting the conditions arrangement with the message, unique_intro and unique_message fields, which will be fetched directly from the reason field. Review your integration and make the necessary changes

    Response for publications that are not certified:

       "status": "NOT_CERTIFIED",
       "reason": "Seu anúncio de moda não está bem apresentado
    A primeira foto do seu anúncio deve ser com um modelo, manequim invisível ou somente do produto, conforme os requisitos do seu tipo de roupa.
    Como tirar fotos para moda", "conditions": [ { "id": "presentation_badly_pres", "message": "Você deve usar um modelo, manequim invisível ou mostrar o produto sozinho, de acordo com o tipo de peça.", "unique_intro": "Seu anúncio de moda não está bem apresentado", "unique_message": "A primeira foto do seu anúncio deve ser com um modelo, manequim invisível ou somente do produto, conforme os requisitos do seu tipo de roupa." } ] }

    Field description

    • status: status of the publication with regard to the validation of the educational track. (CERTIFIED, NOT_ CERTIFIED, UNDER_REVIEW).
    • reason: if the status is NOT_ CERTIFIED, it shows the reason why the publication does not comply to the quality validation and the actions that the seller must do on the image to change the status.
    • conditions: refers to the detail of the conditions for which the publication was not certified, for the example: correct_background_acc means that the image does not have a correct background and illumination_acc does not have an adequate illumination.