Documentation Mercado Libre

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
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Last update 20/02/2024

Official Stores

Some selected users are part of Mercado Libre Official Stores, and have one or more brands under the same user. If you want to become part of Mercado Libre Official Stores, you’ll have to communicate with a commercial adviser. If you’re part of Official Stores already, follow this tutorial to learn the basic of how to work with this user type.

ID de marcas

This resource retrieves brands associated to an user_id. There can be more than one per user. The official_store_id attribute identifies a store.


curl -X GET$USER_ID/brands


curl -X GET


   "status": "LINKED",
   "cust_id": 1477536226,
   "site_id": "MLA",
   "user_type": "brand",
   "brands": [
           "site_id": "MLA",
           "official_store_id": 1450,
           "name": "Nike",
           "type": "brand",
           "relevance_position": 10000,
           "status": "active",
           "fantasy_name": "Nike",
           "date_created": "2018-04-26T13:30:28Z",
           "return_policy": null,
           "landing_permalink": "",
           "pictures": [
                   "size": "160x80"
                   "size": "160x80"
                   "size": "1600x250"
                   "size": "96x70"
                   "size": "174x164"
                   "size": "200x200"
                   "size": "1024x747"
           "tags": [
           "categories_ids": [
           "main_categories": [
                   "id": "MLA1276"
           "permalink": "",
           "normalized_name": "nike",
           "last_updated": "2023-12-12T19:28:34Z"
   "tags": [

Response fields

  • status: will have the user's status with respect to the store.
  • normalized_name: will have the store name normalized (without accents, double spaces, umlauts, etc).
  • last_updated: date when the store was last updated.

Error that can happen in the previous resource:

curl -X GET
   "error": "U00002",
   "message": "U00002 - The user '14775362261111111' was not found",
   "status": 404

Obtain all information about a specific brand

To get information about a specific brand, you can make the call to the brand_id you want to know about like in the example that follows:

curl -X GET


  "tags": [
  "official_store_id": 133,
  "categories_ids": [
  "fantasy_name": "Bodega Lanzarini",
  "users": [
  	"cust_id": 58715193,
  	"tags": [
  	"site_id": "MLA",
  	"user_type": "brand"
  "site_id": "MLA",
  "status": "active",
  "name": "Bodega Lanzarini",
  "date_created": "2014-08-04T04:00:00.000Z",
  "pictures": [
  	"id": 632,
  	"name": "big_logo",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "174x164"
  	"id": 2474,
  	"name": "facebook_logo",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "1600x750"
  	"id": 9428,
  	"name": "home_app",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "270x155"
  	"id": 634,
  	"name": "logo",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "160x80"
  	"id": 633,
  	"name": "logo_landing",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "160x80"
  	"id": 631,
  	"name": "background",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "1600x750"
  	"id": 635,
  	"name": "small_logo",
  	"secure_url": null,
  	"url": "",
  	"size": "96x70"
  "boost": {
	"is_active": false,
	"last_update": "2015-08-17T20:55:12.000Z"
  "relevance_position": 69

Errors that may occur in the previous resource:


curl -X GET


  "error": "invalid_parameter",
  "message": "The officialStoreId must contain only digits.",
  "status": 400


curl -X GET


   "error": "B00001",
   "message": "B00001 - The brand '14501111111' was not found for site 'MLA'",
   "status": 404

Common errors in the API response while listing on multi-brand Official Stores

If you don’t send the official_store_id of the item for a multi-brand Official Store, you’ll get as response the possible IDs you could send with your user:

"message": "Validation error",
   "error": "validation_error",
   "status": 400,
   "cause": [{
   	"code": "item.official_store_id.invalid",
   	"message": "Users type brand have to provide one of this [60, 274, 257] official store id"

If you send an invalid official_store_id for a multibrand Official Store you’ll get:

   "message": "body.invalid_official_store_id",
   "error": "The seller 148829068 is not allowed to use official_store_id 315 on site MLA.",
   "status": 403,
   "cause": []

Great! You already know the brand_id associated to your user to send every time you want to list an item.