Documentation Mercado Libre

Check out all the necessary information about APIs Mercado Libre.
circulos azuis em degrade


Last update 16/03/2023

Manage coverage areas

Coverage areas will let users know if the service you’re offering reach the areas they’re about. You must send each area with pre-established ids you’ll find in our API.

Coverage areas by site

To know the ids belonging to areas around your country make a mixed call between sites and add coverage areas resources.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


    "id": "TUxBUENBUGw3M2E1",
    "description": "Bs.As. Cap. Federal",
    "zone": "Capital Federal",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUEdSQWU4ZDkz",
    "description": "Bs.As. G.B.A. Norte",
    "zone": "Gba Norte",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUEdSQWVmNTVm",
    "description": "Bs.As. G.B.A. Oeste",
    "zone": "Gba Oeste",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUEdSQXJlMDNm",
    "description": "Bs.As. G.B.A. Sur",
    "zone": "Gba Sur",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUENPU2ExMmFkMw",
    "description": "Bs.As. Costa Atlántica",
    "zone": "Gba Costa Atlántica",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFpPTmFpbnRl",
    "description": "Bs.As. Zona Interior",
    "zone": "Buenos Aires",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUENBVGFiY2Fm",
    "description": "Catamarca",
    "zone": "Catamarca",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUENIQW8xMTNhOA",
    "description": "Chaco",
    "zone": "Chaco",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUENIVXQxNDM1MQ",
    "description": "Chubut",
    "zone": "Chubut",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUENPUmFkZGIw",
    "description": "Córdoba",
    "zone": "Córdoba",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUENPUnM5MjI0",
    "description": "Corrientes",
    "zone": "Corrientes",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUEVOVHMzNTdm",
    "description": "Entre Ríos",
    "zone": "Entre Ríos",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUEZPUmE1OTk5",
    "description": "Formosa",
    "zone": "Formosa",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUEpVSnk3YmUz",
    "description": "Jujuy",
    "zone": "Jujuy",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUExBWmE1OWMy",
    "description": "La Pampa",
    "zone": "La Pampa",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUExBWmEyNzY0",
    "description": "La Rioja",
    "zone": "La Rioja",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUE1FTmE5OWQ4",
    "description": "Mendoza",
    "zone": "Mendoza",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUE1JU3MzNjIx",
    "description": "Misiones",
    "zone": "Misiones",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUE5FVW4xMzMzNQ",
    "description": "Neuquén",
    "zone": "Neuquén",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFLNT29iZmZm",
    "description": "Río Negro",
    "zone": "Río Negro",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFNBTGFjMTJi",
    "description": "Salta",
    "zone": "Salta",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFNBTm5lYjU4",
    "description": "San Juan",
    "zone": "San Juan",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFNBTnM0ZTcz",
    "description": "San Luis",
    "zone": "San Luis",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFNBTno3ZmY5",
    "description": "Santa Cruz",
    "zone": "Santa Cruz",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFNBTmU5Nzk2",
    "description": "Santa Fe",
    "zone": "Santa Fe",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFNBTm9lOTlk",
    "description": "Santiago del Estero",
    "zone": "Santiago Del Estero",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFRJRVoxM2M5YQ",
    "description": "Tierra del Fuego ",
    "zone": "Tierra Del Fuego",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "TUxBUFRVQ244NmM3",
    "description": "Tucumán",
    "zone": "Tucumán",
    "type": "state"
    "id": "AR",
    "description": "Argentina",
    "zone": "Todo el País",
    "type": "country"

Coverage area ID

Get the details about an specific area.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


  "id": "TUxBUEpVSnk3YmUz",
  "description": "Jujuy",
  "zone": "Jujuy",
  "type": "state"

Add coverage area

To add coverage areas to an existing listing just make a PUT to items API with the following JSON.


curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d
coverage_areas: ["TUxBUExBWmEyNzY0","TUxBUEpVSnk3YmUz"]

Next topic: Start listing your services.