Documentação do Mercado Livre

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Última atualização em 28/12/2022

Find out how the sellers are in relation to the loading of attributes

In Mercado Libre we are making emphasis on the data sheets and the products universal codes. Filling them with quality in will help the sellers:

  • They will have more exposure in the listings.
  • They will have more organized information in their publications, avoiding unnecessary questions.
  • Their product information will be displayed better that in the description.
  • In addition, with this information we will create search filters to make it easier for the products to be found.

We know that more sales for them mean more sales for you. Therefore, we share with you an API where you can see which information is missing from your sellers or if the information that is loaded is not of quality and help them to have more complete publications with quality.


→Know the status of a seller
→Know the status of completeness and quality of a publication
→Fields descriptions


domains: Domains are products families that share some common characteristics. For example, all “Cellphones” have a screen, memory, etc.
pi: Products identifiers are the products universal codes. Among them we can find EAN, UPC, JAN, GTIN14, ISBN, ISBN10 e ISBN13. Please note that GTIN is currently the IP on which all others are centralized.
ft: Product data sheet is the set of attributes that describe the product.

Know the status of a seller

To see the general metrics of a seller, grouped by domain (Cell Phones, Digital cameras, etc), execute a request by seller_id. If you want to find out a seller’s metrics in relation to a specific domain, you can execute a request by seller_id + domain_id + included_items=true. In this way, you can see the details of the publications of that domain. If you prefer to find out a seller’s specific publication, you can make a request giving item_id as a parameter. Tip: by adding include_items=true, the JSON may be too heavy. That is why we recommend using it with the filter domain_id. In this way, you will only see the publications of a specific domain.

- For each domain, the ids of the publications that are incomplete or of those that are complete but not with quality will be returned.
- For each publication, the attributes that are missing to be completed will be returned, as well as those that were completed but incorrectly, including the required quality.
- This feature is only available for sellers that have up to 80,000 published items.


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SELLER_ID&include_items=$BOOL&v=$VERSION


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

Correct response (code: 200):

    "status": {
        "metrics": {
            "pi": {
                "complete_items": 1,
                "complete_attributes": 1,
                "incomplete_attributes": 1
            "ft": {
                "complete_items": 0,
                "complete_attributes": 8,
                "incomplete_attributes": 14
            "all": {
                "complete_items": 0,
                "complete_attributes": 9,
                "incomplete_attributes": 15
        "total_items": 2,
        "total_items_without_domain": 0
    "domains": [
            "domain_id": "CBT-BABIES_FOOTWEAR",
            "status": {
                "metrics": {
                    "pi": {
                        "complete_items": 1,
                        "complete_attributes": 1,
                        "incomplete_attributes": 1
                    "ft": {
                        "complete_items": 0,
                        "complete_attributes": 8,
                        "incomplete_attributes": 14
                    "all": {
                        "complete_items": 0,
                        "complete_attributes": 9,
                        "incomplete_attributes": 15
                "total_items": 2,
                "total_items_without_domain": 0
            "items": [
                    "item_id": "CBT911079671",
                    "domain_id": "CBT-BABIES_FOOTWEAR",
                    "adoption_status": {
                        "pi": {
                            "complete": false,
                            "attributes": [],
                            "missing_attributes": [
                        "ft": {
                            "complete": false,
                            "attributes": [
                            "missing_attributes": [
                        "all": {
                            "complete": false,
                            "attributes": [
                            "missing_attributes": [
                    "item_id": "CBT911079670",
                    "domain_id": "CBT-BABIES_FOOTWEAR",
                    "adoption_status": {
                        "pi": {
                            "complete": true,
                            "attributes": [
                            "missing_attributes": []
                        "ft": {
                            "complete": false,
                            "attributes": [
                            "missing_attributes": [
                        "all": {
                            "complete": false,
                            "attributes": [
                            "missing_attributes": [

Error response (400 BAD REQUEST - Do not send seller_id):

    "message": "Must provide either item_id, or seller_id, or groups param",
    "code": "bad_request",
    "cause": "",
    "status": 400

Know the status of completeness and quality of a publication

To know both the completeness and the quality of a publication, you can do:


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID&v=3


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'





Error response (400 BAD REQUEST - Do not send item_id):

    "message": "Must provide either item_id, or seller_id, or groups param",
    "code": "bad_request",
    "cause": "",
    "status": 400


v (API version): Although this parameter is not required, it is recommended to indicate it to ensure the integration runs smoothly when making changes to the API. The following versions are currently available:
v=0 (initial format)
v=1 (it returns a reduced response format)
v=2 (support for items with no domain).
v=3 (it is the last stable version and the we recommend to use)

seller_id: This parameter is required to identify the seller.

item_id: This parameter is required to identify the publication.

include_incomplete_items With this parameter you can include in the response, a list of publications that have either their technical data sheets or their incomplete product codes. Within “all”, the incomplete_items attribute will have incomplete publications, either because their codes or specifications in their data sheets lack information or because the information loaded is not correct.

- By default the value false is taken.
- A publication may be incomplete because it does not have complete information or because it contains information that is not correct.

It makes reference to the section of the JSON where the granularity by item is specified.

By default the value false is taken.

: This parameter is optional. It is useful when you wish to know the status of a single domain.

If it is not used, all the domains can be seen in the request response.

: The access_token is required when a request is made via API.

In the event that the parameter seller_id doesn’t match the seller identified by the access_token, a status code 403 will be returned.

Fields descriptions

pi: Product identifier.
ft: Data sheet.
required Required.
all: All the attributes. You recognize values ​​that were not loaded and values ​​that are loaded but are incorrect.
quality_level: Item quality level, which can obtain values ​​of 0 when it does not meet the completeness and quality requirements and is losing exposure, and 1 when it is meeting all the requirements.
quality_reason: It is the reason why the publication does not meet the quality requirements.

The response can return “quality_level”= 1 and “quality_reason”=“PI_INCORRECT”.


For all the fields for which quality is measured (pi, ft, required and all) there are the complete sections, where the attributes they have are specified and missing_attributes to specify the attributes that are missing to complete in the publication as well as those that are loaded but do not have enough quality to identify them as complete.

Go back: Attributes.